Let’s Meet the New Instagram E-Commerce Tool

Instagram is one of the most popular apps in the world of social networks, and it has competed against two of the greatest: Facebook and Twitter. This app has become essential due to its unique design that helps to share photographs and videos of thousands of users around the world.
The large number of images circulating on this social network gives us specific information about places, events, food, and things. All of these reveals what inspires people and what is worth sharing with our friends and close people.
This important app has great potential in capturing the users’ attention towards the most influential brands. Therefore, what Instagram’s new e-commerce offers is that companies can label their products, so that anyone can buy and recommend them.
Today, 90% of Instagram’s users follow a company!
Instagram Has a New Feature!
The new feature of Instagram’s e-commerce is essential for any online company to achieve recognition and greater reach that allows it to position itself as one of the best. Instagram Shop is an in-app that allows companies to place the buy now button and that contains the sale link directing Instagram users to your website.
Thus, by labeling your products, people will have access to more information about prices. Also, the stores you have, the availability of the product, and other related products that will appear as suggestions. This type of digital marketing will make you not lose customers because they do not know where to get the products that they have seen on Instagram. All of this, now with a simple click from their smartphones.
Get to know it and intelligently label your products by giving recognition to your brand! Discover how easy and effective this type of e-commerce can be for your business. Get in touch with one of our specialists to learn more about the subject. At ABC Digital, we develop the best digital strategies.